Recipes By Type

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Ingredients :

  • 3/4  cup of  lentils
  • 1 cup of  long grain rice
  • 2 table spoon of olive oil
  • 2 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 big red onions chopped into wings
  • salt for taste
Preparation :

  1. filter the Lentils and wash very well
  2. put the Lentils in a cooking pan and pour on the water
  3. cook them on high fire until medium  tender
  4. add the salt and 2 t.b. of olive oil 
  5. wash the rice and pour over the cooked Lentils
  6. mix very well in one direction to avoid having them muddled
  7. fry the onions until they get light brown color.
pour the Mejaddara in the serving dish and cover with fried onions over the top.

Note :
    you can use Bulgur (NO. 3) instead  Rice it is very delicious and more healthier.  Follow the same way to cook Mejaddara with Bulgur.

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