Recipes By Type

Monday, November 29, 2010



  • Dough  ( see Pastry Dough Recipe )
  • Pizza  sauce
  • cheese shredded
  • 1 red onion chopped thin circles
  • 1 bell  pepper chopped thin circles 
  • black olive chopped in half 


    1. Punch down the dough and divide into 2 pieces. This will make two 12 inch pizzas.
    2. Shape each portion into a 12" circle either by hand or with a rolling pin, stretching out as necessary to achieve a thin dough. For a lighter crust, let the dough sit for a half hour after shaping before constructing pizza and baking.
    3. Spread sauce over crust and top with cheese and desired toppings.
    4. Allow to rest in a warm location for 15 minutes.
    5. Bake in a 475 degree oven until crust is golden, about 10 minutes. 
    Can you answer these Questions ?

    • Do you like pizza?
    • What is your favorite pizza topping?
    • How often do you eat pizza at a restaurant?
    • How often do you order pizza to your home?
    • Are there pizzerias near your home that deliver pizzas?
    • What do you like to drink with your pizza?
    • Do you know how to make a pizza? Sure you know now
    • Do you know who invented the pizza?
    • Why is pizza popular?


    Ingredient of paste
    • 1 cup of Semolina
    • 1/3 cup of water added to 2/3 cup of Yogurt
    • 2 tbls butter non salted
    • 1/3 cup of sugar
    • 1 tbls Tahini
    • amount of Almond 
    • 2 tbls of syrup former preparation 
    Ingredient of Syrup:
    • 2 cup of sugar  
    • 1 cup of water
    • 1 tea spoon of lemon juice
    • 1 stick of cinnamon
    1. First of all prepare the syrup. combine the sugar and water and cinnamon, stir in the same direction and put it on medium fire. and stop stir. 
    2. when the mixture start boiling, add 1 t.sp of lemon juice.
    3. let the syrup boil for 7 minutes and remove it from the fire then leave it cold. 
    4. Scened the paste. combine in a big bowl Semolina, sugar, butter, yogurt and 2 tbls  of syrup to give Basbousa  golden color.
    5. Mix ingredients together and let it for 30 minutes with plastic cover
    6. brush tray  by Tahini, pour the mixture in the tray. rate the surface of mixture and by use sharp knife shape the mixture to squares and arrange the Almond.
    7. put tray in per oven on 475 F for 30 minutes or until become golden.
    8. Add the syrup immediately  to Basbousa after gets out the oven.
    9. turn off the oven and returned the tray to oven until the paste drinks the syrup.

    Sunday, November 28, 2010

    Spinach Pasty

    The Paste:
    - 4 cup plain flour 
    - 2 t-spoons yogurt
    - 1/3 cup Olive oil 
    - 1/2 tea.spoon Baking powder. 
    - 2 tea.spoons yeast.
    -1  table.spoon salt..
    -1 tea.spoon sugar
    - 1 1/2 cup of warm water.

    The filling:
    - 2 cups of chopped spinach leaves.
    - 150 g feta cheese.
    - 1 t.spoon black pepper.

    The method.
      Make the pastry first, then while it is resting tn a warm location. Prepare the filling. 
    To make the pastry 
      In a large bowl combine 3 cups of flour, sugar, yeast, yogurt and salt. Pour olive oil and the warm water.Knead the mixture, gradually adding enough of the remaining flour mixture so that the pastry is no longer sticky. Continue kneading until the pastry is smooth and elastic.Shape pastry into a ball and put in an large oiled bowl, turning the pastry to coat it with the oil. Allow to rise until doubled in size (45 minutes to 1 hours).
    To make the filling
       Heat the t eval pan, put the chopped Spanish, wait until wilt. put the spinach in refinery, then add the feta cheese. season the filling.

    To assemble your pasty 
      Punch down the pastry and divide into 2 pieces.roll out each pieces fairly thinly and cut into discs. I cut mine using a small glass bowl measuring 13 cm/5 inches, but you can make your pasties any size you want depending on your whim.
      layer equal amount of spinach in the center of each pastry circler.
    Brush the edges of the pastry with water, fold one sideover to make a half-moon or D shape, and crimp together between the forefinger and thumb of one hand and forefinger of the other to create a seal along the side of the pasty.
      Place on a baking tray, brush with a milk or beaten egg glaze, and cook for 20 to 25 minutes until the pastry is golden and the filling cooked through.



    • Dough  see ( Pastry Dough Recipe )
    • (400 g) ground lamb meat
    • 2 medium firm tomatoes, finely chopped
    • 3 medium onions, finely chopped 
    • 1 tbls salt
    • 2 tbls yogurt
    • 1 tbls sesame  paste (Tahini)
    • 5 tbls fried pine nuts
    • 1 tbls pomegranate thickened juice
    • A dash of ground red pepper, ground cinnamon, and ground allspice
    1. Mix well meat tomatoes, onions, and spices. Add yogurt, sesame paste and pomegranate. Mix all with fried pine nuts.
    2. Divide dough into walnut size balls. Roll out balls wit rolling pin to form 8 cm diameter circles
    3. Put one tbls of meat mixture on dough circles. Spread the meat on dough with pressure on it.
    4. Arrange meat pastries in a tray brushed with butter. Bake in a per heat oven 200 C for 20 to 25 minutes or till dough is golden and meat is cooked.
    5. Serve hot with cold  yogurt or salads.

    Syrian Tabouli


    • 1 cup of tap water
    • 1/2 cup of white bulgur NO:1
    • 1/4 cup lemon juice
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 cups finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
    • 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
    • 2 tomatoes, diced
    • 4 scallions, finely chopped
    • 1 lettuce wraps finely chopped flat


    1. Combine water and bulgur in a small saucepan,  and let stand until the water is absorbed and the bulgur is tender, 15 minutes or according to package directions. If any water remains, drain bulgur in a fine-mesh sieve. Transfer to a large bowl.
    2. Combine lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Add parsley, mint, tomatoes, lettuce wraps and scallions to the bulgur. Add the dressing and toss. Serve at room temperature.

    Saturday, November 27, 2010

    How to Cook Boiled Meat

    Healthy food depends on the cooking methods. One of these methods is boiling. Boiled food is healthier than fried food; it reduces the risk of heart disease. Cooking boiled meat is easy if you follow these four steps.
              First, cut the meat to medium sized pieces approximately 6 cm long. Wash the meat and put it in a cooker. Pour tap water on the meat and put the cooker on the stove under high temperature. After 8 minutes, you will see dark bubbles and foam appearing on the surface of water. You have to remove these dark bubbles, to give meat good smell and taste. Second, add 3 pieces of Caradamom green, 2 pieces of Bay leaves and a stick of cinnamon. Third, cover the cooker and cook on simmer temperature for an hour. After one hour, add the salt. Finally, check the   maturity of the meat 45 minutes after adding the salt, if it had done turn off the temperature. If not add 15 minutes more.