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Monday, January 10, 2011

Tips to lose weight without stress 2

First things first

  1. First read Tips to lose weight without stress 1 .
  2. Start now to change your life style. Do not wait for the beginning of the next month or the next year.
  3. Don't panic about your overweight.
  4. Gradually lower the amount of fat from your meal . e.g, replace the whole milk with 1% low fat milk.
  5. Gradually lower the amount of cheese from your meal .
  6. Decrease the number of sugar spoons from tea and coffee.
  7. Decrease the number of salt spoons from your meal.
  8. Cook your meals at home, don't buy it from the store.
  9. Eat fresh fruit instead of juice. 
  10. Give your body its time to get use to these tips.

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