Recipes By Type

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tips to lose weight without stress 1

  • Do not follow any diet. 
  • Do not do any exercises to loss weight. 
  • Eat every thing you want from all kinds of food.
  • Keep in your mind, loss weight is not a difficult task.
  • You have to be patient, confident and determined.
First things first:
  • Do not pour the oil direct from the container, use table spoon to control the fat in your meal. 
  • Replace your big plate with smaller one.
  • Remove the  bread basket from the table. 
  • Choose dark color for your plate such as red , blue, green.....
  • Start your meal with a piece of fruit such as apple, banana ..... 
  • Second, eat a piece of meat, chicken or fish (roasted  or boiled).
  •  You can have some salad with the meat.
  • Add little amount of legumes to your salad.
  • last thing you can have some Carbohydrate such as Rise, Pasta ...
  • Do not watch TV, when you are eating.
  • Do not eat fast, take longer time chewing each bite .
  • Do exercises for fitness, about 10 to 15 minutes in the morning. 
  • Replace the juice with water. 

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