Recipes By Type

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Libyan Beans

  • 1 C dried white kidney beans 
  • 1 medium onion chopped finely 
  • 6 clove garlic minced  
  • 2 tbs corn oil
  • 2 tbs  paste tomato
  • 2 ts salt as desired 
  • 1 ts black pepper 
  • 1 ts paprika 
  • 1 ts red hot chilli
  • 1 ts cumin 
  • 1/2 bundle coriander chopped finely 
  1. In a deep bowl place the beans and pour tap water to cover all the beans completely. Set aside for two hours.
  2.   After 2 hours, drain the beans and place it in a big casserole pan. Add tap water again to cover the beans and put the casserole pan on high heat.
  3. Remove the white foam. Cover the casserole pan when the water boiled, lower the heat for less than medium and let the beans boil for 90 minutes.
  4. In a saucepan, add oil and fry the onion until tender. Add garlic, salt, all season except cumin, and add paste tomato and  1 cup of water. cover saucepan, let it boil for 5 minutes.
  5. drain boiled beans and put it in saucepan with sauce. stir and let boiled for 15 minutes on simmer heat.
  6. Finely, add cumin and  coriander. Garnish with fresh coriander. Serve with  French bread. 

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